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God Speaks to You

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God Speaks to You
Dec 19, 2024 Author: Darell B. Dyall

God Speaks to You

It is great to believe in God. But there is more. He knows you by name and has a personal message for you. This article discusses that exhilarating thought!

This article is for those people who know that they love the Lord. They love Him in their heart, but maybe they don't know much about Him. They know there's a lot of religious teaching going on, but when they try to attend those services, it's not right. They know that can't be what God is saying to them. If that describes your experience, this article is for you. 

Reading from John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son” (the Lord Jesus Christ) “that whoever believes in Him Shall not perish but have everlasting life.” This article is for those people who feel like that. You know that you love God. You've heard about Him giving His son, Jesus. You believe in Him, and yet when you go to the churches (whatever they are and wherever they are), all you get is pushing by men telling you to do this and to not do that. But it does not resonate with your heart. Well, the truth is it doesn't make sense to you because it simply does not make sense. 

Rather than suffering through all that pushing and clamoring, just listen to what the Lord told His apostles before He ascended back to His Father: “All authority is given unto me in heaven and on earth.” And why did He say that? He said it because it was absolutely true and because out of that authority and power comes life. He told His Apostles this so you can know Jesus Christ is the one you need to listen to. Then He continued, because He had all authority and power, His apostles were authorized and empowered to make disciples of all nations. 

But what does it mean to be a disciple? Well, a disciple is one who wants to be like his master, so he apprentices himself to study and work and serve the master and be taught by the master so that he himself can also become expert in the trade. And in this case, “the trade” is to become a son of God. That's what it is all about. That's what the Lord sent His Apostles out to do, to make disciples who would learn to be like Jesus was. 

And what follows next for new disciples? To be baptized the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit, and then taught to keep all His commandments. But what are they? Well, His commandments are presented in the great book called the Bible, the Word of God. So he said, Go out and make disciples and teach them to know the word of God and to obey it. 

Next you might ask, “How long will that take?” And the wonderful answer is that you will get to spend the rest of your life in the presence and love of the Lord Jesus, for He said, “Teaching them to observe all things that I command you, and lo, I am with you even to the end of the age.” 

And this article is written to introduce you to the Word of God, because it alone contains the answers to this wonderful life. It hardly matters that the modern church has lost its way. But that is of little concern. What you need is to learn what God wants you to do, all of which He has told you in His Holy word. And not only has He given us His word. He has also given us His Holy Spirit, who is with and in us and He is the Teacher of God’s word. And, as you come to understand it more clearly, you can obey it more purely. And so begins the great adventure of learning the word of God and delighting to do it. His word is not a burden. It is pleasure and joy. And I do not have to tell you that, for your heart has already told you. You love God, and you want to find out what pleases Him so you can do it. I know that's true for you. That's why we are here @booksbyauthordarellbdyal.com. 

Our whole purpose is to help you do that.